Tolton Film and Presentation ONLINE For First Time

Across, the short film about the boyhood of Venerable Augustine Tolton, America’s first black priest, is available to watch online for the first time. The extremely limited engagement is part of an online conference with Writer/Director Christopher Foley and Bishop Joseph Perry, the postulator for Tolton’s sainthood cause.

The Zoom event is hosted by the Diocese of Harrisburg, and begins at 6:30pm Eastern on Friday July 31. To participate, you will need to register online at this link. Capacity is limited, so interested parties should act now.

Registered participants will be given a link to watch the film and another link to the Zoom event, where they will hear a historic presentation about Father Tolton. Foley and Bishop Perry will also be joined by Harrisburg Bishop Ronald Gainer.

Both Foley and Perry continue to work on the Tolton cause. The Bishop leads the effort to have Father Tolton canonized - having successfully done the historical documentation that led to his being declared Venerable last year. Foley has raised some funds for the short film to be turned into a feature, and is in the process of attaching a recognized actor in order to raise the rest.

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